Patient and Public Involvement

Patient and Public Involvement

In healthcare and research.

There are many ways to define and describe working with the public to improve research and services.  However we think that it is essentially about working in partnerships that are inclusive, respectful and focused on shared goals.

Our partnership projects tend to be long term (1 – 2 years), or take the form of workshops and seminars.  Examples of longer term projects include the James Lind Alliance  the National Standards for Public Involvement and Deep Mind Health

We have helped service delivery organisations undertake effective consultations, public meetings and workshops and worked with health and social care staff on their attitudes to, and skills for involvement.  We also work with research groups on effective strategies for patient and public involvement in all aspects of the research design and process.

Our partners have included:

  • Warwick University Medical School
  • Bucks County Council
  • Birmingham University
  • Prostate Cancer Alliance
  • Royal College of Nursing Institute
  • Skills for Care (Oxfordshire, Bucks and Milton Keynes)
  • International Pelvic Pain Partnership
  • Glasgow Caledonian University
  • MS Society
  • Association for Young people with ME (AYME)


 Click here to see resources on Patient and Public Involvement from Crowe Associates.