Resilience; the latest information and self assessment toolkit

With all the changes happening in organisations, resilience is becoming a critical quality to survive. People working in the public sector particularly seem to be suffering from it at the moment – first there’s a budget cut, then a re-organisation, and then a threat of redundancy. This is without anything that may be happening at home. And it’s not just the public sector  –  the private and voluntary sectors are suffering too. Continue reading

Developing personal resilience

Developing Personal Resilience

To accept that damage is not total destruction; a good experience does not mean heaven forever; it’s loss is not the end of the world, but a real manageable grief mitigated by hope for good experiences in the future. Continue reading

7 Steps to facilitating change

7 Steps to Facilitating Change


There continues to be fundamental and seismic changes in today’s organisations in all sectors. The change factors in today’s world are at times bewildering in their pace and momentum; external changes include economic crises, globalisation leading to increased competition, changing legislation, and ever changing technology. Within organisations the impact shows itself through downsizing and restructuring, change of business direction, power changes of influence within the organisation, and quite often a sustained lack of clarity for operational people in what their job actually is.