Career Review Coaching Tools
Whether people have many years of experience or are unsure of their career direction, different career assessment tools can help them gain a better understanding of themselves, expand career options, find a good match with employers, and identify strengths for the ever shifting workplace.
Also see Career change article for further background on career change and the practicals of creating CVs and good interview practice.
The “Career Drivers Assessment”
The Career Drivers Assessment asks individuals to respond to a series of questions around the “drivers” for their career, looking at areas like material rewards, meaning, creativity and affiliation
Career Anchors approach
A “Career Anchor” is a combination of perceived areas of competence, motives, and values relating to professional work choices, developed by Edgar Schein. To help people avoid these problems, Career Anchors help people uncover their real values and use them to make better career choices and includes reviewing their talents, values and attitudes.
Career Coaching Tool
The Career coaching tool can be used to explore how an individual’s interests align with their skill set.
Ideal “Job description”
TheYOUR IDEAL FUTURE ROLE exercise inverts the normal way of matching individuals to jobs advertised, and instead asks to identify the key characteristics or attributes that they want to see in a future role for themselves.based on their current transferable skills and attributes they want to see in a future role in terms of areas like working in a team, autonomy, creativity as well as practical considerations of salary and travel.
Mind Tools Personal Development Plan workbook
The Mind Tools Career Personal Development Planning workbook is a comprehensive workbook covering sections on; understanding yourself, defining your career objectives, and the creation of a personal development plan.