Research Priorities for Hip and Knee Replacement

Every year, about 150,000 hip and knee replacements are done in the UK because of osteoarthritis.  But we still don’t know enough about which patients benefit most, when is the best time for surgery and how do we ensure that patients recover quickly and well?

James Lind Alliance

A James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership gathered research uncertainties from a wide range of people with osteoarthritis and health professionals that treat and look after them.  There were prioritised using a James Lind Alliance approach and the results and process to achieve the Top Ten Research Priorities are detailed in this report.

Resilience; the latest information and self assessment toolkit

With all the changes happening in organisations, resilience is becoming a critical quality to survive. People working in the public sector particularly seem to be suffering from it at the moment – first there’s a budget cut, then a re-organisation, and then a threat of redundancy. This is without anything that may be happening at home. And it’s not just the public sector  –  the private and voluntary sectors are suffering too. Continue reading

Managing change article that’s worth a read


Change is nothing new to leaders, or their constituents. We understand by now that organizations cannot be just endlessly “managed,” replicating yesterday’s practices to achieve success. Business conditions change and yesterday’s assumptions and practices no longer work. There must be innovation, and innovation means change.

Yet the thousands of books, seminars, and consulting engagements purporting to
help “manage change” often fall short. These tools tend to neglect the dynamics of
personal and organizational transition that can determine the outcome of any change
effort. As a result, they fail to address the leader’s need to coach others through the
transition process. And they fail to acknowledge the fact that leaders themselves
usually need coaching before they can effectively coach others.

WilliamBridgesTransitionandChangeModel : in this article (that is worth 10 minutes of your time) William Bridges describes three stages of transition:

• Endings
• The neutral zone (explorations), and
• New beginnings.

PPI Toolkit – “Perfect Pocketsized Instructions”

This toolkit book, published by Wiley Blackwell  and part of an evidence based series for British Medical Jounral was a year in the making. Sally Crowe and Julia Cartwright, together with editors Doug Badenoch and Carl Heneghan have been  on an interesting journey to make the theory and practice of Patient and Public Involvement accessible, interesting and useful.

The design is quick reference, digestible chunks of information, with lots of case studies and resources.

We hope that the book will become a handy ‘aide-memoire’ for those practitioners that seek to engage, and involve patients, service users, carers and the public in service development and research.

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