Recent Coaching articles 

These are articles and resources I have come across whilst reading around Coaching, and preparing for running Coaching Supervision sessions:

Spring 2018

An overview of Team Coaching article about approaches to Team Coaching and Team Coaching tools Coaches can use

INSIGHTS TEAM EFFECTIVENESS REVIEW using the 4 foundation areas of the Insights personality profiling; team focus, team “flow”, team climate and team process

Resilience Resources and Exercises 2018 a wealth of information and exercises around the area of Resilience

Winter 2017

The “winter collection” is:

VALUES-AND-PURPOSE-TOOL This is a Coaching tool I created from merging (like 2 ends of a car!) your core values with the idea of creating your own personal coat of arms. It came out of some coaching work with an individual who really wanted to connect their personal values with the work they were doing.

Neuroplasticity; changing our belief about change article. I came across this doing some research on neuroscience. This article is about the power of neuroscience: as the saying goes, “neurons that fire together, wire together.” The more we practice something, the more we strengthen the pathway, and the easier the skill becomes

THE TALENTED COACHEE: interesting article that looks at the role that Coachees (clients) play in the coaching work, and especially their “enabling” and “defensive” skills

Life+Canvas; similar to the values and purpose tool, but a bit more comprehensive, I thought this was interesting in how it borrows from strategic business thinking to apply to  us as individuals to chart who and what we are across our whole lives; if you want a bit of background reading to the tool, take a look at this link:

Autumn 2016

  • PSYCHOTHERAPY 2contracting-in-coaching-article: a short article providing an overview of the initial contracting phase of Coaching. It is covers some of the points to work through with a client around contracting
  • the-comfort-stretch-panic-coaching-tool Many people may be familiar with this model, but always a good one to refresh, especially the circumstances you yourself go into the stretch zone, or indeed the panic zone in your professional or personal life
  • coaching-progress-review  This is a reflective exercise that allows clients to think about their next session, the positives and challenges and how the work is going for them overall
  • stakeholders-coaching-exercise: A psychological exercise that helps us reflect on the border between Coaching and counselling, this exercise looks at the power of key figures in our lives

Summer 2016

Spring 2016

PSYCHOTHERAPY 2A deceptively simple Purpose_Practice Sheet Tool which links values-options-making room for what you love

A background  career tool to start thinking about what motivates you at work called Career Drivers Assessment

A Brene Brown article showing how to work with emotion and change your narrative: Brené Brown on How to Reckon with Emotion and Change Your Narrative

An article on Gestalt theory in Coaching, an interesting approach to try and adjust between the “figure and ground” in a coaching context: Gestalt figure – ground

Autumn 2015

AutumnThe Challenging Coaching article looks at the Coaches ability to challenge as well as support clients

Eight Coaching Myths and misconceptions is an article written by David Clutterbuck about some of the myths he feels there are in the world of coaching and mentoring

Covey’s 4 quadrants Exercise is taken from one of Stephen Covey’s 7 habits of highly effective people, focussing on how we spend out time


Summer 2015

Summer 3Coaching The Brain ArticleBrain based approach to Coaching” by David Rock with lots of technical details about how the brain works: there are some good foundation principles of how neuroscience can help us understand clients and the attention, reflection, insight and action “ARIA” model

What coaches can learn from neuroscience research has 7 helpful principles that are useful for Coaches to be aware of

5 Opportunities to Use Neuroscience to Guide You and Enhance your Understanding of those You Coach is a good all round, practical article on application of neuroscience principles to Coaching

The Healthy Mind Platter is an  interesting twist on the wheel of life idea to optimise the brain, based on a model by Dan Siegel


Spring 2015

Spring 1

Enemies of Coaching article about the pitfalls we can fall into when Coaching

Background articles to passive aggressive behaviour that we can face working in teams, or managing teams

Strengths Finding Tool questions to support clients identifying their core strengths and weaknesses

The CBC Approach to Stress Management Coaching an Association for Coaching article using “CBT” principles in managing stress

Autumn 2014

Change leavesInvitation to Innovation Coaching article about sharing passion for innovation, and bringing it into the coaching arena

Understanding your values AOC article looking at core values in work, home and relationships

The_PRACTICE_model_of_coaching_towards_a_solution-focused_approach-2 a more in depth coaching model than “GROW” with working sheet

Summer 2014

A really interesting business coaches boundary article about how business coaches experience the boundary between coaching and therapy/counselling by Alison Maxwell.

Along similar lines, The-mental-health-boundary article  looking at the mental health boundary in relationship to coaching and other activities by Andrew Buckley.


Spring 2014

Winter 2013

Autumn 2013

  • The first article is from the Forbes magazine on 10 Things You Should Know About Career Coaching as there are a lot of people coming to coaching looking at future career direction, this provides some useful pointers from a specialist Career Coach (I have been through and taken out any obvious Americanisms like resume instead of CV!)
  • The The Achieve Coaching Model article is a progression on from the “GROW” model, and have put this in as it’s always good to go back to some of the basic principles around Coaching and different models used
  • The Cognitive Distortions Fact sheet is taken from cognitive behavioural theory, and is a sheet on some of the typical cognitive distortions we apply to our experiences; the idea is that clients look through, and discuss some of these with their Coach, along with adapting strategies
  • A colleague of mine wrote an article a few years ago (still as topical and thoughtful) on the whole area of Talking straight and being authentic; there are also a couple of helpful appendices on models for approaching difficult conversations