The James Lind Alliance (JLA) Priority Setting Partnerships (PSPs) enable clinicians, patients and carers to work together to identify and prioritize the questions they would like answered by research. To date there are over 100 ongoing or completed PSPs, and one of the most commonly asked questions about them is ‘What is the impact of the priorities on research?’
To date, this has not been addressed systematically. Crowe Associates, Two Can Associates, the University of Oxford and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have completed an evaluation that seeks to address this question by identifying the most effective ways for JLA PSP research priorities to influence decisions about what research projects get developed and funded in the UK. By evaluating the different approaches taken by JLA PSPs to date we have been able to assemble key lessons for future research priority setting partnerships. The report ‘More Than a Top 10′ 1 Oct 19 is now available.